Psychological facts and why you are the way you are!

Since the human mind is infinitely complex, new research is published every day that helps to explain why we are the way we are. Many of the secrets and flaws in the human brain that were previously concealed in our psyche have been revealed by scientists over time. While some psychological studies confirm common knowledge, others are truly eye-opening.

In today’s video, we’ll look at some psychological details you probably didn’t know about! We’ve compiled a list of psychology facts that illustrate human nature – and can help you understand some of the trends you’ve noticed in yourself and others. This video has it all, whether you want to learn about psychology reality, mind secrets, enjoy…….. 🙂

what you will see in this video

  • We continuously change our memories; 
  • We continuously change our memories; 
  • We spend 30% of our time daydreaming because our visual experience of objects varies from their presence.
  • Food, sex, and risk are three things we can’t ignore in life.
  • We need as much variety as possible.
  • The vast majority of our decisions are taken without our knowledge.
  • Multitasking isn’t a real thing.

Have you discovered any interesting facts? Please write down your thoughts and let us know what you think!

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