Do teeth whitening strips really work?

Teeth can have a vital role in a person’s self-image. However, they will inevitably get yellow as we become older. But we also have a number of procedures that can be used to whiten them again.  A great example is using  whitening strips. Despite the fact that they aren’t as effective as professional treatments, they are a more convenient and affordable alternative. Stripes may be purchased over the counter and used to help eliminate stains from the teeth and lighten the colour of the teeth. 

Whitening strips are constructed of a flexible material that has been treated with hydrogen or carbamide peroxide along with an adhesive to keep them securely in place.  Coming in touch with your teeth, hydrogen peroxide oxidises and bleaches teeth which makes them whiter. Carbamide peroxide acts in a similar way to hydrogen peroxide, but it also contains acid, which helps to dissolve stains.

The majority of whitening strips are sold in packs of 28, which amounts to a total of 14 nights of whitening for both rows of teeth.   Wearing the strips for around 30 minutes before bedtime is typical, and most people see an improvement in the colour of their teeth by a shade or two within the first week of using them.

Whitening strips are most useful when you need to make a minor improvement to the colour of your teeth. To achieve more significant results, you may wish to explore professional whitening services from a dentist. A dentist can use more powerful bleaches and create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

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